Saturday, December 29, 2012

Learning without a classroom

It is less than 3 weeks until we depart for Ecuador. Our jobs are done, our car is sold, and we are wrapping up the last lose strings we have. With excitement building around the new experiences that await us and the spirit of New Year in the air, +Emily Aiken  and I have been talking about some of things that we want to do and see while we are in the Peace Corps.

Much like every year I make plans and set goals for things I want to accomplish. Except this year I am making these plans and goals at the start of the new year. Normally I would set my goals at the start of the school but since I am no longer a student.... The real world is calling. As many education lovers, I have encountered more than just one change in educating myself since being out of school. The biggest issues stare at me before the learning even begins: course selection, scheduling, resource/expert availability, and on a small worry evaluation. Basically what to study, when to study it, where to get the (creditable) knowledge, and how to prove (to myself) that I know it.

I now realize the Peace Corps 27 months of service is more than an opportunity to help others grow and learn. It is a golden opportunity to help myself grow and learn as well. How many times have we said "if I only had the time..." I would read more, learn to play the piano, spend time with my friends and family, etc. I know I have. Below are my 9 goals for the Peace Corps.

  1. Learn Spanish
  2. Learn to Play 15 songs on the Ukulele or Guitar... at least five without sheet music
  3. Create and maintain workout routine & diet
  4. Write a Novel
  5. Paint a Mural
  6. Read 27 books (about community building, life, friends, family and relationships)
  7. Do a research project
  8. Open
  9. Open

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