As I reflect on this journey that Eric and I are so quickly approaching, I am reminded of how our love will grow, change, and deepen. It is interesting to be at this point because it wasn't long ago that we were 2 individuals facing a world that doesn't understand love. I am constantly reminded of this topic and though it may not directly relate to our PC journey, I still feel it appropriate.
When Eric and I began dating, we had our ups and downs. At some of the low points my good friend would often tell me something like, "You guys will be fine. You'll work it out. You have to. If you don't I won't have faith in love anymore." It is a lot of pressure to uphold people's faith in love! The strange thing is, she is not the only one to have said something like this. I have often felt like Eric and I were someone's last hope in love. I'm still not completely sure why this is. Maybe people have a hard time being vulnerable? Maybe they have been hurt in the past? Who knows?
While I do treasure what Eric and I have, I don't think it should be unusual. I think everyone should have a chance to love the way we do. It saddens me to think that some people early in life believe that love isn't for them. I don't think that everyone's love will look the same as ours does; because everyone is different and has different relationships.
Just before we got married, Eric and I were talking with friends about the wedding. He said something like, "I'll be glad when the wedding happens because I will
never have to plan a wedding again!" I'm fairly certain an inaudible
awwwww was being expressed throughout the room. His commitment to forever was refreshing for many. People don't really plan for forever. I even saw an ad in a wedding magazine that said, "You only get married for the first time, once." Crazy, right?
I have spoken with friends about relationship problems, had my own challenges, and have witnessed others struggle.
I know that things don't always work out for everyone. Some may read this and think I am naive to believe all this. Maybe it's the role models I have had growing up or maybe it's the immense blessing that was given to me when Eric came in my life, but I believe that love will find a way. I believe that things happen for a reason. God has a plan for you. If you choose to make your own path, you may find yourself out of place. When Eric and I began dating I didn't understand it. I was graduating and it probably wasn't going to work out anyway. The world was against us. Luckily something more important was on our side and now I couldn't be happier.
I am incredibly excited to begin this new journey with my best friend. We will surely encounter new challenges and struggles, but I know we will come out on the other side stronger for it.
Much love,
"I know that no, no river is too wide, no matter what people say. Lord, if love wants to travel to your heart, love will find a way."
-Sam Cooke